Rules to live by

A few months ago, Andrew and I went on our 'last childless vacation' and we chose to do the Amazing Life Together Getaway in Maine! I could go on and on and on about how much that week refreshed our marriage, refreshed my soul before baby, and how much fun we had with all the other couples who were there. But even months after, there is still one part of the getaway that I think about DAILY - and that's the Rules to Escape Life Together.

Rules to Live By, Alicia Sturdy Photography | Amazing Life Together | Rules to Escape By |

You can read all about Liz & Ryan's Rules to Escape by on their blog, but my favorite is 'say YES'. So many times Andrew asks me to do something for him, and my first inclination is to say "in just a minute" and then 20 minutes later actually do it. But thank sweet Jesus that Andrew does not give me the same treatment in return - almost every time I am feeding Stella I have a million requests for Andrew (i.e. I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, bring me the cheezits, can you get me the remote, can you hand me that book, can you put my slippers on my feet). I may sound like a super needy person in all those examples, but he ALWAYS says yes and never complains, never hesitates. People, he even will hold my cup with a straw in it down to me so I can get a drink (ok I'm about to get real honest and REAL LIFE with the explanation for this, feeding a baby and pumping at the same time leaves NO extra hands - I'm not just a princess who needs my husband to hold a cup of water for me!).

I was amazed by these simple rules payback when you actually put them into practice (imagine that!). And I would LOVE to hear about you trying them out as well! Put one or two into practice this next week as a little experiment oh my you will see a harvest of love in return!

I'll be choosing "Share Positivity" and "Kiss Each Other" because a) we're traveling next week and sometimes positivity and traveling DO NOT happen organically, and b) sometimes I am over sensitive about making people uncomfortable with public displays of affection, and then I never really get kissy in general! I'm going to be reporting back on Instagram next week - follow me at @aliciasturdy to get in on the love and exclusive Instagram only surprises for the new brand launch!
