Annika & Ray - Grant Park City Story

I walked a little bit faster to make my way down Michigan Avenue towards Annika & Ray's apartment as storm clouds loomed over the skyline behind me. Chicago is infamous for it's craaaazy storms, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be caught in the middle of yet another one. It made me think of all the times getting stuck on the bus or in traffic when a storm was brewing. Hot, humid, with nowhere to go. As I stopped at an intersection to wait for traffic to pass, I saw little dots gathering at my feet, clueing me in to what was about to come. I ducked under the bus stop waiting for the storm to pass - and it was from there I could see Annika & Ray across the street in the bus shelter there on Randolph. Once the storm passed, I hip hopped my way around the puddles to where they were. You know that part of the relationship when you're so happy the smile can't seem to disappear from you face? This, is where Annika & Ray are. And I hope it never goes away. Their connection and deep sense of home in each others arms is something you can't fake.

This weekend they're getting married, and their new home is an apartment high above Grant Park with a view of the city they love. Annika & Ray, I'm praying (like you asked!) that it doesn't rain this weekend, but know that if it does - it'll just be like the day we did your City Session together, and it'll close out with you wrapped up in each others arms like everyday should.










