quick post :: quick pie

I'm in a pinch to get this recipe out to you all, so this post is as fast as the time you need in the grocery store to buy all the ingredients! If you in a pinch to bring a quick dessert to a graduation party, memorial day celebration, or picnic this weekend like I was a few weeks ago, then this tasty summer treat is for you. I remembered I had promised to bring a dessert to a women's meeting I was attending so I started flipping through the pages of my new Cooking Light I had just gotten and voila! This colorful pie caught my eye. By the time you're done reading this post, you can hop in the car, head to the store and whip this easy pie up in a flash. Hurry!

Summer Raspberry Sorbet Chocolate Pie from May Cooking Light Magazine


1 chocolate cookie pie crust, ready made1 pint of raspberry sorbet1 small carton of raspberries1 container of coolwhip


Let the pint of sorbet sit out until soften (mine was out for 30 minutes and was ready)Pour sorbet into pie crust and freeze 60-90 minutes until firmTop sorbet with container of coolwhip and top with RaspberriesFreeze 1-2 more hours (or until you have to go!) and you're done!Once my pie arrived at the meeting, we stuck it in the freezer for another 45 minutes. The last few pieces served fell apart, but noone minded because this tasty little treat is SO good whether it's in pie form or not!You can also try lemon sorbet with a gingerbread crust as well for a refreshing alternative!