Posts in Learn
One little spark.

I've always subconsciously been in pursuit of that one thing that 'lights me up.' 

"What am I suppose to do with my life? What is my spark?" The minute I'd find something and think I found it, the sizzle would wear off, and I'd be back to square one. I sometimes feel like 22 from the movie Soul - thinking I’d never find my spark.

When we lived in Chicago and Andrew was in Seminary, I would scroll The Kendall College Culinary Arts curriculum pages. Over and over again, I would read through what each class in the curriculum would teach, what I could learn. I figured I missed my chance to do this new something that might hold my spark. I had just gotten a college degree in Art and Graphic Design, but it was the recession, and I felt stuck in my safe and secure job with benefits. This was not a time to find a new career when you hadn't even gotten a chance to start one you just finished the education for.

Enter internet learning. I've been in coaching groups and online courses, masterminds, and masterclasses—all still searching for perfecting the art of 'doing more of what lights me up.' Through my photography business and blogging endeavors, I've always had fun but was I lit up? I was scared to find out if the answer was no.

A few years ago, I met up for dinner and drinks in Chicago with my friend Cathy. I had taken a few of her courses back in the day and kept in touch via Instagram - I considered her an internet friend, and we even got to meet face to face at a conference. After dinner, we decided to do ice cream, and she said something to me that took me off guard.

"You're someone who just loves to learn."


Wow, I had never thought about myself that way. Was it really that simple - that I loved to learn? I figured I was just a course junkie. Seeing myself in this new light, I realized it was true. I love indulging my curiosity in the pursuit of understanding how something works. I love that the journey sparks the idea of creating something new.

The funny thing is, my dad was the exact same way - a natural-born hands-on learner who always could figure out how something worked. He'd take something apart just to put it back together. He restored a 1959 Ford, built our family home, even piecemealed a Harley Davidson by researching how to do it and ordering each piece on eBay. He had made a career out of being curious - immerse himself into each project sometimes for years - and it was the process of learning and doing that 'lit him up.'

Thursday, I'm debuting a new Everybody Baking Company recipe series called Bakeovers. We'll take a well-known recipe, starting with the internet-famous Pan Banging Chocolate Chip Cookie - and tear it apart to understand how it works. Then we'll put it back together and make sure it's Everybody Approved™. Because the recipe uses traditional ingredients, we'll make it vegan, make it gluten-free, and even see if we can make it both.

Tell me in the comments below - what is that spark that lights you up? Do you know, or are you still waiting to find out?

Five things I don't do in the kitchen

Over my decades of baking, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks here and there to make the process easier. Never did I imagine that I’d stop doing things instead of starting! Here’s a quick list of things I don’t do that help save time when baking!

1. I don't buy premixed gluten-free flour.
I weigh out my gluten-free flour custom for each recipe to have more control over my results.

2. I don't ever assume someone I'm baking for doesn't have a food allergy/intolerance.
It takes no effort to ask if someone has any food preferences or allergies, and if they don't - great! If they do, now I know and can be an even more graceful host when I surprise them with an option they can indulge in, and everyone else can enjoy just as much as an original! Inclusive baking for the win!

3. I don't find recipes on Pinterest.
I will do a quick search to see if I can find what I'm looking for, but if I don't within the first 5 minutes - I crack open a cookbook from a chef or baker I trust. My go-to's are: @inagarten, @gesinebp, @erinmckennasbakery, @cybelepascal, @carlaphall

4. I don't expect one store to have everything I need.
I have a few places in town that I get my ingredients. Check your local health food store, Amazon, grocery store, Aldi, heck, even Walgreens!

5. I don't use measuring cups.
I have abandoned using measuring cups almost all together now that I have switched to weighing my dry ingredients in grams. It creates less dirty dishes (use a spoon or small measuring cup to scoop everything out!) and is extremely accurate (see my first tip, I measure out all my gluten free flours in grams per recipe!)

Have any other ideas of things I should STOP doing in the kitchen? Comment below!

The First Step in Baking for Everybody

I hear from a lot of people every day asking me, I want to start baking more...but where do I start? Deciding why you want to start is the first step. Are you looking for a new hobby for yourself, or for something to do with your roommate, child, or spouse during quarantine?  Are you gluten intolerant, have a food allergy to something like eggs or dairy, or even if you’re vegan - it can seem SO overwhelming if you’re wanting to learn more about allergy-free baking. Or all of the above.

I have found many reasons I love baking, and it keeps the passion lit for me. But one in particular was something that happened about 10 years ago. I started baking as a hobby on weekends and late nights after work, but also in this time frame, many of my friends were uncovering food allergies - barring themselves from cookies or treats at friend gatherings or the local bakery. On top of that, my very own doctor advised me to start avoiding dairy. I picked up a copy of ‘The Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook’ and decided to start learning more about how to bake allergy-free - for myself and for my friends.

Seeing the joy it gave someone when they took their very first bite of a really good cookie in years lit a fire inside of me. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to keep learning more about baking in general, but in particular - allergy-free baking. Every time I can bake for someone and see the delight on their face, without the dread of what will happen in their body later drives me forward.

I’d love to hear from you about your reason for wanting to learn more about allergy-free baking! Please let me know in the comments below.

The second thing you must do is equip yourself with the resources. What equipment and ingredients do you need to get started? It’s also important to remember your reason for starting - if you’re just wanting to learn how to bake dairy-free, there really is no point in also taking on gluten-free baking as well...and vice versa. My goal at EBC is to provide recipes that everyone can adjust to accommodate their own ‘why’ - I’ve heard this called ‘Inclusive Baking’, which I love. If you need a place to start - click the link below to grab my ‘Baking for Everybody’ Pantry Guide.

And finally - the last thing you must do is find the right recipes! How many times have you gone to Pinterest and just typed in ‘gluten-free desserts’ to discover there is… a. Lot. of. Stuff. Out there. And it’s like Pinterest Russian Roulette. If you need a place to start - the Everybody Baking Co. ‘Baking for Everybody’ Resource Guide...I’ve compiled my favorite cookbooks and a list of ingredients and equipment to help you get started!

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Baby, we were born to bun...

Something new is in the oven at Everybody Baking Co that you guys have been asking for - Born to Bun the eBook.

Consider this your invitation to get in on all the details on the front end, enter your email below, and secure your spot in on the list.

Baking Playlists

The minute I walk into the kitchen, it’s always the same refrain - “Alexa, play chill baking" playlist” or “Alexa, play early 2019 playlist”.

I don’t know about you, but I think music is an important ingredient in baking. There is rhythm to mixing and measuring. I wanted to share my favorite playlists with you here - hopefully this post is ever evolving!
