The new Alicia Sturdy

I have started this blog post more times than you can imagine, but I just need to be plain and simple about it. MY NEW BRAND IS FINALLY HERE.

The journey & calling for me and this new brand has been brewing since October 2013 (!) and has gone through revision upon revision. I can't wait to debrief all that has gone into this journey...because BOY as it been a long one! But first, I want to share with you a little bit about what my new brand is all about.

It starts with two very little words.

Hither & Hold.

The word hither means 'to this place' - and that definition has enchanted me. Every artist needs a muse, and HITHER & HOLD is mine.

The HITHER & HOLD movement is about marking time for the future to look back on and be reminded of the love, goodness and grace enclosed within a photograph.

HITHER & HOLD is a new portraiture for married life.

It is a testimony.

It is an altar.

It's a doorway back to this moment, to hither to this place, and hold it dear.


Come on in, friend. Welcome.

Can't wait to share more coming up in future blog posts...but for right now, welcome to a new experience.


Thank you SO MUCH to SO many people!! My family (Mom, Dad, Melissa, Kaylee), Carri, Ashley, Michelle & Meghan, my MOIB crew (Carly, Charlene, Davina, Katelyne, Kristen, Nadeena, Robyn, Sandra, Shaina, Treacy),  Jeff Jochum, Elise & Scott of Hey Sweet Pea, Sarah, all my beautiful couples featured on the site that I've shot over the years, and of course, Andrew. Sweetheart, you are the reason why my vision exists...this journey with you is my ultimate muse to hither & hold. I love you.

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