New Revelation.

My spell check just gave me a little reality check with my post name...New Revelation. As many of you know, I can't spell and heavily rely on spell check (have you received an email or text from me..ever?)Spell check asked me...did you mean Reevaluation - Revelation - Revaluation? As I sat and thought about what these three words have in common besides letters, I was struck with the fact that maybe these three words my spell checker has asked me about have been the chain of events leading to my new revelation. I'm talking about my life. My time. My body. Me. actions. What I eat. If I exercise. Who I spend time with.Revelation...most times my actions do not line up with what I want in my life. What I feel I'm called to, in honoring myself & God. Revaluation...valuing my words, decisions & deeds more. A revaluation is typically an increase in value...not a decrease. Wow, all that from spell check. the last few months I have been processing these three things...and came to a decision that I value myself more. I want to value myself more. In this new season of life we're in...I value the time with my husband more. Therefore, I'm careful about our schedule during the week so we get to spend time together on our evenings off. In this new season of life we're in...I am evaluating how I process stress and its relation to food. In this new season of life we're in...I want to treat my body with care. It's the only body I get. After some mindless blogsurfing one day I stumbled upon the Whole30 plan.
