day 55

ok: so I am 5 days over the date I wanted to blog. Woops. I wanted to blog 50 days after we left, but between work, church, my freelance gig, and exploring new england; my blog got lost somewhere in between.

Some of you may be wondering, why are you blogging here? I thought you moved to Tumblr.

Well, it was a fake out. I was trying out Tumblr, but after a few weeks of playing around on it, I am not loving it. So sticking with what I know, I'm staying on Wordpress and giving my blog a new, fresh feel. So stay tuned...things are going to get a little bit more lovely around here.

Some of you may also be wondering what I have been up to!

Let me give you a brief synopsis.

June: drove to New England, got a flat tire, day trip to New York City (cue Empire State of Mind playing in my head), Andrew starting his new job, Me starting my new job, our nice tidy space saver bags exploding in our 10x10 room at the Freemans.

July: 4th of July at Pilgrim Pines, Iowa for Matt & Molly Bauman's wedding, Chicago book-ending our trip (side note: i LOVE being a visitor in as a visitor means no job and 24 hour acccess to fun, friends, shopping and delicious eats in a carefree manner), Friday night trip to Boston, HARRY POTTER!, Day trip of eating & shopping to New York with Lil' Erikka, skyping, skpying and more skyping with wonderful friends and family, weeknight trip to have dinner & cupcakes with Suz who is working in NYC through September, and finally last weekend we spent Friday & Saturday in Rhode Island at the Freeman's beach house. relaxing and I am delightfully tan for my upcoming trip to Chicago for wedding #2 of the summer.

So you are now up to speed with what we've been up to these past 55 days (yes, I know I go to New York too much but many of you know that I am a MAGNETIZED to big cities!)

Present day: we are moving into our new place next week!

Let me tell you a little bit about 31 Broad Street. :)

It's in wonderful Middletown, Connecticut; located right on the Connecticut River. It's a historic town that once was "destined" to be a large port city like Boston and New York. Long story short; it didn't. (boo).
We will be occupying the first floor of this house, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Exactly what we were looking for! It's one block from the main street that is filled with tons of independent coffee shops, local restaurants, and businesses. It. Is. Idyllic.

We are so looking forward to moving in and hosting many dinner parties, movie nights, and weekend visits of friends.

Oh, and regarding this being a blog about food...that is in the works. I haven't been cooking that much this summer, but I have a few things up my sleeve and I cannot wait to share them with you!