When Photos Speak.


Part of the reason that I feel so moved to photograph people's lives is that I truly believe photos speak to our souls, and the way they resonate with us constantly changes.Today is the day five years ago that Andrew proposed to me. I'm not one to celebrate the anniversaries of our first date, first kiss, first whatever....but the day he proposed to me is still one of my favorite days in the history of my life thus far.So each year I like to flip through about a collection of 100 pictures a friend took while Andrew was proposing and the little celebration afterwards. These are the 5 that spoke to me the most this year. There are some that I passed over in years passed, and some that I keep coming back to. My heart is so happy for my sweet friend Mabrie who helped Andrew mastermind this engagement plan, and had the foresight to take pictures of the whole thing - without her none of this would even exist.In the shadow of the skyline of the city we both love.His words.The diamond of my engagement ring belonged to my mother in law, and all Sturdy women have 6-prong rings. I love being a part of that history.My ring just looks so new and fresh on my hand as we hugged.This is my favorite picture afterwards when we went downstairs to the office where all my friends were waiting. What photos speak to you in your life? What do they say and why are they special?