day 8

If it wouldn't have been for Chicago, I...wouldn't have learned how glorious food is.I also wouldn't be contently running marathons to burn it all off, but that's not important in this moment.000_2893Can I tell you a little story?I am 18 years old, the freshest you can get as a freshman, and I am downtown at Billy Goats Tavern with a group of friends. If you have watched this SNL skit...this is the "Cheezbourger Cheezbourger Cheezbourger" place..."Chips, no fries."My friends are telling me they've been to this place before, and you cannot order anything else but a cheeseburger (I have learned this is not quite true depending on who's working). Do not ask for any substitutions. No questions. Just a double cheeseburger.I. Am. Horrified.I have never had a cheeseburger!! (Dun dun dunnn)So I suck it up (being the naive 18 year old Yooper I am) and order a Double Cheeseburger, Vitners Chips and a Root beer. No hesitation, no questions. I sit down with my meal and confess to my friends I've never had a cheeseburger. I take a bite. It is GLORIOUS. Who would have thought that cheese on a hamburger could be such a great idea!?Flash forward today: my meals today consisted of Salmon Dill Quiche from Tre Kroner for breakfast and Crunch Shrimp, Crunchy Spicy Tuna, and Cucumber Salad from my favorite sushi place, Dib. Things that I have tried that I hadn't tried then are: mustard, peanut butter and jelly, and pretty much any Mexican food.If you were to tell anyone these days that I use to be the pickiest eater on the planet, I doubt they'd believe you.Heck, I use to eat plain spaghetti noodles with salt on them for dinner because I was "tired" of spaghetti sauce.Chicago, if it wasn't for you...this blog wouldn't exist. I wouldn't be so eager to try to recreate my favorite dishes in my kitchen. Hummus, Falafel, Sushi, Vegan dishes, homemade pizzas, cookies, cupcakes, pastas, sushi, even Chicagostyle Hotdogs wouldn't be on my personal menu of creations if it wasn't for Chicago. I wouldn't know what a Sprinkles cupcake tastes like, I wouldn't know what it's like to dine in a four star restaurant. I wouldn't know what GOOD food tastes like. I wouldln't know how to appreciate exploring other cities for tiny "special" places like the ones I have found here.Chicago--thank you for your restaurants. Echoing my post from yesterday, if it wasn't for the variety and bounty of eateries in this city, I wouldn't know half the people I'm friends with. I wouldn't share meals with them at our favorite places. I wouldn't have dared try anything new if it wasn't for the people I've eaten out with in the years.A toast to you, Chicago. I promise I will bring my "foodiness" to the East Coast to teach it a thing or two.*Also, please check out my 'Chicago' page for a small portion of my "Favorite Restaurants in Chicago" list!