Hello World!

Well, hello. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alicia, and I'm addicted to cooking.  I live in Chicago with my husband in our small one bedroom apartment near North Park University where my husband is studying for his Masters in Christian Formation.Like all good Seminary wives, I work full time to support my husbands grad school stint and come home and perform wife-ly duties for the remaining 4 hours of the day post work+commuting. The wifely duties: not as bad as they may seem. They may include cleaning, doing wash, making the bed, reorganizing our small library of books that live under our coffee table, and so on. But the one duty I love the most: the grocery store. I am one of the few people that can say I enjoy grocery shopping, and have on occasion; happily offered to grocery shop for my friends, family and coworkers.They think I'm nuts.The grocery store on any given night could mean many things to the average shopper: long lines, bad produce, overpriced items, packed parking lots, etc. But not to me. The grocery store, to me, is therapy. Don't ask me why. I could go to the grocery store every night if I could.This leads to the cooking aspect. Ever since I started cooking for myself in college, I'm an addict. I love to look at a recipe, head to the store (obviously) and pick up the goods. This is where my blog comes in. With all this experimenting and tasting, why not document it? Hopefully you enjoy my recipes, my bravery to try things, and join me on the journey!

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